This shiba just died. She had her own blog too: The Misanthropic Shiba. Like I said, I don't care much for blogs about how much trouble shibas are, but that's not the point. The point is, she's from the same breeder as Tinky-Winky. I don't know her pedigree, but it seems like a useful guideline to answering the question of how long my precious might be around.
The breeder had told me 15 years. The vet says 9 to 12 years for a shiba. Hmmmmm... I need more data.
Unfortunately, the dates on the site contradict each other. Either she's born in 1993, or 1997. If it's 1997, I'm gonna assume it's not relevant to Tinky-Winky, because she's not two years away from death, at least not from old age. Recklessness is another matter.
So, let's say this dog was 16 years old. That gives my Tinky-Winky six more years. That's nice. I don't want her to die this soon.
Hey there, this is Julie, owner of Shassi and TMS. Shassi is by Tetsu of Scottsow out of Momiji of Shogun Hisuiso. The dogs of her generation generally died at around 15, or so Susan told me (most of Shassi's generation have passed on now) If you go to the OFA database and enter in 'Sunojo's Aka Shasta', you should see her profile and that of a few of her relatives, which should give you an idea of her pedigree (I don't have it scanned).
Here ya go: http://offa.org/
Cool. Thanks. It doesn't look like they're related.
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