Saturday, April 28, 2012

You know what I've noticed?

Tinky-Winky doesn't know how to make puppy-dog eyes.

I'm serious.

Right now we're housesitting Carter again, and he's giving me puppy-dog eyes as I type. Who knows why. Otis gives me puppy-dog eyes. Dexter, Freddy and Baron make puppy-dog eyes.

Tinky-Winky? Never. I don't think I've ever seen her make puppy-dog eyes. If she wants something, she gives the Command Bark and expects things done. She doesn't believe in having to ask twice. And she always looks wide-awake, with a big smile. There is no doubt in her little one-track mind that I will immediately do whatever it is she wants. As she gets older and more cuddly, she's getting into the habit of whining for attention, but even when she's whining, her facial expression is nowhere near "puppy-dog eyes."

I guess begging isn't really a notion she understands. How very like her.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Waiting for Godot

When it's nice, Her Majesty sits on the balcony. Then she can't hear me open the door, so she just keeps waiting for me.

How to find the centre of a rectangle

The easy way:

Intersection of the diagonals.

The hard way:

Plan to sleep on it. Then put a shiba in a corner. The shiba will find the centre for you.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Tuesday, April 3, 2012